Food Fresh Bags are made of 100% cotton calico which allows the food to breathe, whilst at the same time sucking excess moisture from the food, which in the case of fruit and vegetables is what eventually makes them 'go off'. By using this product, all vegetables, fruit, cooked meat and bread will stay fresher 2 -3 times longer than normal. All bags have the instructions for use printed on them.
Food Fresh Meat Bags are a slightly different 'kettle of meat' in that they must be kept moist to avoid the meat drying out. Meat Bags have a best results recipe incorporated in the instructions printed on them.
Bread also needs to retain moisture to stay fresh, so the Bread Bag is made of a rubber backed calico which stops the bread losing its own moisture, thus keeping it fresher for much longer than usual.
Food Fresh Bags save consumers considerable dollars by allowing food to be bought in larger quantities (e.g. the bigger blocks of cheese ) and at the same time minimising waste, so enjoy that “fresh” taste more often with Subarb Productions Food Fresh Bags.
All instructions and/or recipes are printed on the bags or the accompanying tag.
A recent addition to our site are the "Toastabag" range imported from England. We find these provide quick and easy solutions in your kitchen saving time, energy and mess